Dec 28, 2020
When it comes to the end of the year, do you love thinking about your goals for the next year? Or do you dread it? Different people respond differently to goal setting, so here is a chance to explore what might work better for you.
Dec 21, 2020
Sometimes we look for unconditional support, for example, from a business partner. We expect them to have our back in all situations. But is this reasonable? What can we really expect of other people?
Dec 14, 2020
How much courage and commitment does it take to keep moving forward in business, rather than retreating to a false sense of safety? And is it necessary, or even natural, to keep growing?
Dec 7, 2020
How does business connect with regenerative farming? On a farm, if you have good soil, anything will grow if it suits the climate. What’s the equivalent to good soil in a business and where does the real wealth of a business lie?
Nov 30, 2020
Success is such a tricky word and we can use it to put enormous pressure on ourselves to create something we don’t even want in the end. So let’s get much more conscious about what success really is and how to create it.