Aug 31, 2020
How do you know the real value of your personal contribution to your business? It’s easy to feel self-doubt and a lack of clarity around your real value, even if everyone else can see exactly who you are and what you bring to the organisation. It’s very helpful when you can see it too because it gives you...
Aug 24, 2020
Do you ever find yourself getting comfortable when you reach one of your goals? And then your results start to drop off because you’re not paying so much attention to that part of your business. This episode explores how we can shift out of the cycle of hard work and comfort zones into a way of growing and investing...
Aug 17, 2020
Explore a new way of valuing each other and building an economy that is based on principles that can help us create a world that works for all. This requires some deep thinking about how we do business and what’s most important at this time in our evolution.
Aug 11, 2020
When you see business relationships and partnerships fall apart or end up in conflict you can begin to wonder whether it’s possible to have true friends in business. And at the same time, good business relies on great relationships. So how can we make that work?
Aug 4, 2020