Oct 26, 2020
Do you ever find yourself responding too quickly in conversations and then regretting what you said? In this episode we discuss a quote by Rumi which helps you to reflect before you speak in a way that’s likely to get much better outcomes.
Oct 19, 2020
It's easy to think you know yourself quite well, but every now and then you suddenly realise how inaccurate your perception of yourself really is. This can affect your relationships in business and the way you respond to situations so what can you do about it?
Oct 12, 2020
Sometimes it’s as if there’s a madman inside most business owners, desperately trying to control every aspect of their day and night. Of course, it’s a hopeless mission. That level of control will never be achieved, and if it was, it would be a nightmare of a life. But how do you actually let go of the crazy...
Oct 5, 2020
It’s so tempting to keep working because there’s always so much to do in your own business. But we all need a reset from time to time. It acts like a circuit breaker and allows you to recharge your energy, free up your thinking and make some necessary changes.