Aug 30, 2021
What happens if we look at business in a radically different way and view it as a sacred activity? How does that change our relationship with our business, with ourselves as business owners and with all the activities that are a part of daily business life?
Aug 23, 2021
When you start asking deeper questions about yourself and your
life, it has an immediate effect on the way you do business and how
you think about yourself. This week we ask the questions:
Who are you? Where are you? Why are you here? What are you doing
about it? What do you want? The exploration is surprising...
Aug 16, 2021
The questions you ask about your business have a powerful effect on the decisions you make. Sometimes it’s easier not to ask the bigger questions, because it’s more comfortable to keep everything going as it is, even if it’s not producing the quality of life you’d love to experience. So what might happen if you...
Aug 9, 2021
What are the elements of a great relationship with money? Money links with the way we work, our sense of purpose and our organisational ability, as well as the transactions that move money from one person to another. It’s very revealing to look deeply into your personal relationship with money.
Aug 2, 2021
Sometimes you reach a point where your current story can’t go any further. You either give up or you have to change. So what happens when that’s not just a personal experience, but when people all over the world are longing for a new narrative that promises a better life in the future?